The export of the Git repository you’ve downloaded is a mirrored clone of your original repository. In order to explore the data or push it to a new repository, follow these steps:
1. Extract the downloaded .tgz archive
2. In a terminal window (use Git Bash or similar if on Windows), navigate to the extracted directory. It should have the same name as the .tgz file without the .tgz extension: cd /path/to/extracted/folder
If you want to explore the repo data on your own machine, run this command:
git clone . /path/to/desired/output/directory
If you want to push the mirrored repo to a new repo in BitBucket, follow these steps:
1. Create the new repo on BitBucket
2. Run:
git push --mirror <NEW bitbucket repository URL>
To list the branches after cloning the exported repository locally, run this command:
git branch -a
git checkout <branch_name>
to switch to the branch you want