At this time, Rewind currently backs up the following items:
- Products and Product Images
- Product Variant Images
- Options (V2 only)
- Option Sets* (V2 only)
- Product Complex Rules (V3 only)
- Product Modifiers (V3 only)
- Product reviews
- Categories
- Category Images
- Customers
- Orders
- Price Lists
- BigCommerce Brands (Brand names, titles, search keywords, urls)
- Brand Images
- Configurable fields
- 301 Redirects
- Blog Posts
- Pages
- Themes**
- Gift Certificates (including gift certificate templates)
- Metadata
*Please note: At the moment we have only limited access to Shared Variant Options which means we cannot backup or restore options of this kind.
**For Themes, Rewind can automatically backup and rewind your store's Stencil Theme(s). We cannot backup your Blueprint Themes, however, as there is no API to access these Blueprint Templates.
For PRODUCTS, we backup the following aspects:
- Product details
- Product Images
- Product Variants
- Product Options (V3 only)
- Inventory
- Videos (links to the video, not the source video)
- Product-BasedComplex rules*
- Option Sets (V2 only)
- Product Complex Rules (V3 only)
- Product Modifiers (V3 only)
- Custom fields
- Bulk pricing rules
Please Note: While we can currently backup and restore Product-based Complex Rules (V3), we're not able to rewind/restore Option Set Complex Rules (V2), as BigCommerce doesn't provide that data via their API.
Additionally, BigCommerce currently supports two versions of their API: V2 and V3. It is possible to have resources from each API in one store. However, in some cases, resources that used to exist in V2 no longer exist in V3. Similarly, there are resources in V3 that do not exist in V2.
Please note, when editing your Products, BigCommerce doesn't yet provide us all of the web-hooks necessary to be able to note all Product changes (specifically ones that are saved inline/automatically by BigCommerce), and so we strongly recommend clicking the "Save" button on your Product page periodically when updating/editing a Product.
This will ensure that ALL aspects of the Product are being saved by BigCommerce while you're working on it. This allows Rewind to properly back up those Product changes to your Vault.
We can also restore Images in your Pages, Reviews, and Blog Posts if the link to its original source is still valid/intact. If the original source removes the Image(s) from their end, we will no longer be able to bring the Image(s) back.
Lastly, at this time, due to BigCommerce's settings, rules, and API, Rewind does NOT yet backup and/or restore:
- Store Settings
- Third party Apps (and their data therein)
- Shipping data
- Option Set Complex Rules
- Widgets
- Shared Variant Options
Theme customizations made in the Style Customization panel
- Including Page Builder Widgets (under theme)
- Blueprint themes
- Email subscribers
- Scripts
- Product’s digital files (e.g., a downloadable product)
Please note that this is not a comprehensive list.