At this time, Rewind backs up and can restore the following QuickBooks Online items:
- Bills
- Bill Payments
- Credit Memos
- Deposits
- Estimates
- Invoices
- Journal Entries
- Payments
- Purchases
- Purchase Orders
- Refund Receipts
- Sales Receipts
- Time Activities
- Transfers
- Vendors credits
- Accounts
- Attachments
- Classes
- Customers
- Departments
- Employees (except SSN field)
- Items
- Journal Codes (France only)
- Payment Methods
- Terms
- Vendors
We are working on the ability to backup/restore the following QuickBooks Online items:
- Company Info
- Entitlements
- Exchange Rates
In addition to the above list, the following QuickBooks Online items are also backed up. In the event that this data is lost, the Rewind technical support team can help you recover
- Budgets
- Currencies
- Tax Agencies
- Tax Codes
- Tax Rates
- Preferences
Due to lack of API availability on Intuit's side, Rewind cannot back up or restore the following data:
- QuickBooks Online payments (Payment processing)
- Payroll
- Banking Feeds, Bank Rules
- Customer Types
- Price Rules
- Delayed Charges and Delayed Credits
- Recurring Transactions
- Account-based billable expenses
- Item-based billable expenses with markups
- Custom Reports and Custom Forms
- Audit Log Entries
- Inventory Adjustments
- Reconciliations
Why Can't We back this up?
As a third party application on your QuickBooks Online account there are certain pieces of information deemed too sensitive, or too complex to provide us access to. Some things, like your bank feed, are restricted to us because of the secure nature of banking institutions.
Generally speaking however - if we cannot back it up according to this list the reason is simply because Intuit has not given us permission to access it.
If you have concerns or questions please don't hesitate to reach out to us at